As Hindustan Times put it, and I quote-
"On a day India’s first woman President took charge, the first woman to enter the Indian Police Service over three decades ago lost in the race for the post of Delhi Police Commissioner."
Kiran Bedi has lashed out at the Home Ministry's decision to appoint Y S Dadwal and not her as the police commissioner. Kiran Bedi -- the Director General of Bureau of Police Research and Development feels that the appointment of Dadwal, who is junior to her, sends out the wrong message.
Of course it does. It always has. She has given all her life towards betterment of this nation, of this society and if this is what she gets at the end of the day, then of course she has all the right to complain. I hope Ms.Kiran Bedi, who has always stood against injustice for others, stands against this injustice against her and I hope the media supports her.
Let's see...
GHis final speech
full text of his final speech
Left the Rashtrapati Bhavan with just two suitcases
Bidding farewell to ‘an embodiment of compassion’
I think George W. Bush should be one of the 7 wonders of the world. After all, it's a wonder how we've managed to last this long with him as President of the United States! Also, isn't it a wonder how anyone can be as stupid as he is?
"I met somebody the other day who told me that online networking was so important, and he didn't have the time, he was paying somebody to be him online. To blog, network, post etc . £1,000 a month too."'Friend' has a very different meaning in today's world. Online networking, no doubt has given people an easier way to stay in touch, but it's crazy to see how people are addicted to it! The addiction I believe is physiological, all in the mind. People are afraid to be alone, afraid to be all by themselves. And I remember a quote, which I feel is quite apt- "If you can't enjoy your own company, why inflict it on others".